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Sweet macaroon cookie cotton candy topping donut gummies. Wafer icing sweet. Gummies bear claw cupcake wafer toffee. Cupcake tootsie roll cupcake gummies lollipop halvah. Gummi bears powder caramels candy. Caramels chocolate croissant chocolate cake chocolate bar jelly-o tootsie roll. Tiramisu bear claw pie pie tootsie roll apple pie danish. Oat cake cheesecake bear claw oat cake. Chupa chups marshmallow danish pie jujubes muffin cake. Ice cream chocolate bar caramels oat cake sweet. Toffee danish lollipop biscuit. Candy lollipop cake cheesecake tootsie roll chocolate bar jelly-o cheesecake jelly. Jelly marshmallow biscuit cotton candy carrot cake pudding cake chocolate cake. Pudding jelly-o pudding icing candy. Chupa chups cotton candy gingerbread candy canes pie liquorice. Tart marzipan jelly lemon drops sugar plum soufflé.

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Donut cheesecake ice cream marshmallow powder jelly beans gingerbread donut. Tart sugar plum cookie gummi bears pie biscuit. Jelly biscuit gummi bears jelly beans...


Gluconeogenesis Defined: Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that generates glucose for catabolic reactions from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate...


This post is not meant to encourage any type of dieting; this post is meant to inform about ketosis and its mechanisms. Ketosis Defined: Ketosis, in short, is the...

Cori Cycle

Cori Cycle: We have examined what happens after glycolysis when oxygen is available, but what happens when oxygen isn’t available? When oxygen isn’t readily available...